Wednesday, May 28, 2008

How To Cure Premature Ejaculation And Last Longer Tonight!

Premature ejaculation is a terrible affliction that studies show affects 1 out of every 3 adult men of all ages. There are varying degrees of this condition ranging from only lasting a few minutes to ejaculating before penetration even begins. No matter how severe your case may be learning how to cure premature ejaculation may not be as difficult as you once thought. In fact I am going to give you some tips on how to cure premature ejaculation or at least get it under control enough that you can have great, long lasting sex tonight (assuming you have someone to do it with).

First things first. You need to learn how to recognize when you are about to climax and how to control it. The fastest and easiest way to accomplish this is by masturbating on your own. I suggest doing this as soon as you finish reading this article if you can. Pay close attention to the sensations you start feeling before you climax. Now remember how that feels, give yourself about an hour or two and try it again. This time when you feel that special feeling coming on either slow down or stop completely. Try to see how long you can keep it under control. You might even want to get a stop watch and time it. If you can keep it going a few extra minutes then you have already given yourself a huge advantage.

The next great tip to keep in mind when trying to last longer is foreplay. This is a great diversion not only before penetration but when you feel you are about to climax stop and go back to foreplay. It will give you time to cool down and more than likely it will get your partner even hotter because she will think you are just being creative and spontaneous. Women love that!

Another great way to learn how to cure premature ejaculation is to do kegel exercises. Don't know what I am talking about? A kegel is a contraction of the PC muscle. The easiest way to describe a kegel is to imagine you are urinating in a public place and all of a sudden someone walks up on you. What are you going to do? Your going to try and stop right. Well the muscle you would use to stop peeing is the PC muscle. So know you can start doing kegel exercises and if you still don't get it then next time you have to use the restroom try to stop in mid stream.

If you want to last longer tonight you might also want to do some research on different sex positions and techniques. Often times different positions will feel better for her than you. Finding these positions will make you seem like an all star love maker in her eyes.

I hope by now you have a pretty good idea of how to cure premature ejaculation or at least how you are going to use these techniques to your advantage. Remember the most important thing is practice and learning how to control your body.
John Robert has suffered from premature ejaculation since the time he was 19 years old. Just recently on his 27th birthday he discovered a revolutionary new method that not only helped him to build self confidence, but save his doomed marriage. You too can try this breakthrough treatment risk-free by visiting

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